Learning Cycles
At Mount Toro High School (MTHS), credits earned each learning cycle are based upon the learning cycle calendar. There are four learning cycles in each semester, and the learning cycles are aligned with the progress reporting and quarter report periods as defined by the District.
For each class that a student successfully completes with a “C” or better, the student will be issued credits aligned to the pertaining learning cycle. Teachers maintain grades for each student on the district's information system, Synergy. Student progress during each learning cycle is viewable through StudentVUE and ParentVUE. Final grades for each learning cycle are calculated at the end of each learning cycle and recorded in Synergy for view on the student's Official Transcript. The credits earned for each learning cycle are determined by the teacher based on work completed and student participation (attendance).
Each individual learning cycle has its own instructional days and a number of potential credits that can be earned by each student. The purpose of offering a “fresh start” to each student at the beginning of each learning cycle is to provide incentives and motivation for students. With a new beginning of each learning cycle, there is an opportunity for continuous growth in academic and socio-emotional well-being. Passing grades and credits earned are possible, even during the final cycle of the year. Communication is key. We are here to support!